Discover the seductive world of viscose! Our carefully combed viscose fibres not only offer the highest quality, but also meet the strict requirements of the Oeko-Tex Standard 100. Finished in a dyeing plant that proudly bears the GOTS 5 and GRS certifications, we guarantee sustainability and environmental awareness.
But watch out! There are only limited stocks of apricot, grey-blue and plum (500g each), so be quick! A generous 900g are still available for the colours café and sand.
Whether wet felting or spinning, our viscose is versatile. It gives your felted fabrics a breathtaking lustre and is a cost-effective alternative to luxurious mulberry silk. Thanks to its ability to be combined with extra-fine or superfine wool, the possibilities for shiny and supple felt creations are endless.
And for all allergy sufferers: viscose is not only an excellent choice for the felting technique, but also an allergen-free alternative to wool.
Just note that our viscose is not suitable for crocheting cat and dog baskets.
So, grab your creativity and dive into the world of viscose! And don't forget to follow us on Instagram and Facebook: @petlovede.
25 g correspond to approx. 1 metre, 100 g correspond to approx. 4 metres.
For wet felting, the viscose can be applied to the surface of extra fine or superfine merino wool.
Viscose alone would not felt with the wet felting technique.
You can also use it for fairy hair, but not with a normal felting needle, as otherwise unsightly holes will appear at the top. You need extra-fine merino needles for this. As I have no experience with this, I can't help you any further.
Karena Peter
Schillerstr. 10, 31618 Liebenau
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