Discover the "Emma" cat cave & dog cave, the handmade oasis of well-being for cats and small dogs made from sustainable organic cotton
Welcome to the cozy world of "Emma", the exclusive cat & dog cave that not only offers your pet a place to retreat to, but also a real luxury experience. Handmade with love in my small manufactory in the district of Nienburg, Germany, this cave made from sustainable organic cotton guarantees maximum comfort and a unique design that your furry friend will love.
Thanks to the XXL organic cotton yarn, "Emma" is perfect for cats and small dogs. Whether your kitty curls up inside or your dog discovers the cozy nest for himself - "Emma" offers enough space to relax all day long. I make them in different sizes, ranging from XS to 6XL, so you can find the right solution for every pet, be it a small cat or even two dachshunds snuggling up together.
The cave is not only a visual highlight, but also extremely easy to clean. Thanks to the machine-washable material, you can easily clean it at 30°C on a delicate wash cycle. So it always stays clean and hygienic. After washing, simply put it back in shape as indicated in the instructions provided.
Key data:
Material: Outside: organic cotton (GOTS certified), inside: filled with hollow polyester fibers
Care: Machine washable at 30°C on a delicate cycle
Key data:
XS: lying surface approx. 20 cm
S: lying surface approx. 25 cm
M: lying surface approx. 30 cm
L: lying surface approx. 35 cm (size of the cave with the British Shorthair cat in the second picture). For dogs until 5,5 kg is they like to curl up.
XL: lying surface approx. 40 cm (entrance approx. 20 cm)
XXL: lying surface approx. 45 cm
XXXL: lying surface approx. 50 cm (size of Loulou, Coco and Chouchou's cave - Dachshunds in the pictures)
XXXXL: lying surface approx. 55 cm
XXXXXL: lying surface approx. 60 cm
XXXXXXL: lying surface approx. 65 cm
The dachshunds in the video weigh approx. 4kg and two of them still have room in the cave. If your dachshunds are just as slim and don't weigh more & they like it tight, you can also order smaller.
Note: Loulou,Coco & Chouchou have a cave in beige colour. The colour is not shown correctly in the video and pictures.
Outside: organic cotton (GOTS certified)
Inside: filled with hollow polyester fibres
Washable at 30° C on a delicate wash programme. Preferably with sanitiser if not clean. Hot washing is also possible if necessary, but can lead to shrinkage and discolouration.
Karena Peter
Schillerstr. 10, 31618 Liebenau
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