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*Kategorien: SALE, Garn & Gutscheine ausgeschlossen
3 Basic Collar Leash Sets Buy it now.
The collar (20mm wide) is continuously adjustable up to approx. neck circumference 29cm. The leads are short 1 metre lead leads (16mm) with a fixed wrist loop.
They cost individually:
Collar: 13,90 €
Leash: 15,50€
In a set: 24,99€
Handmade basic dog collar with slider infinitely adjustable in size - 20 mm width.
The collar is perfect for growing dogs, as it is infinitely adjustable and can therefore be adapted to the growing neck. Simply select the neck circumference that is usual for your breed in adulthood and then gradually adjust the collar to a larger size.
And Handmade Basic Dog Lead - 16mm width approx 1m (they are a little longer). The wrist strap is fixed.the short leash is not adjustable.
The webbing is made of vegan leather.
You can find the available colours in the pictures in the colour cards.
"Leather piece":
Biothane alternative (vegan).
Info about the Biothane alternative:
It is very stable and you can clean it easily. It is used as a substitute for leather, but is animal-free because it is vegan. The core is made of polyester fabric, with a protective plastic layer on top.
》》very strong - higher breaking load than biothane.
》》Bacteria and mould resistant.
》》Significantly more durable than leather or nylon.
》》No odour, does not absorb odour from wet dogs.
》》Does not stretch.
》》Moisture resistant.
》》High flexibility
》》Colour fast
And super easy to wash off
Colours are displayed differently by each screen.
In mobile view, you need to tap on the main image with your finger to see more images of the item and scroll through them. In the other pictures you will also find the colour charts.
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