The exact weight of the roll depends on the type of textile and is usually between 675 and 820 g. The more elastic the yarn, the heavier the weight of the roll. I have weighed the colours from the selection. Most of them weigh 730-770g. Hoooked states approx. 700g. Only the mint green, at least the one roll in the photo, weighs less than 700g. 2 even weigh 820g. Therefore, these are not fixed figures, but only approximate values. Hoooked Zpagetti textiles comply with the European REACH standards for textiles tested for harmful substances! The composition of most Zpagetti yarns is cotton with a minimal amount of elastane.
Weight Approx. 700 gram
Crochet hook Crochet 10-12 mm
Knitting needles knitting 10-12 mm
Yarn length Approx. 120 metres
For my cat baskets, I use at least 3-ply yarn, which influences the stability and also makes it more "padded".
The yarn is always different because it is recycled. Sometimes it is very thick and sometimes very thin. It is also often knotted on the inside. I usually cut the knots when working with it and usually make a magic knot because it just holds. If it's in a place where you can see it, I don't knot it but weave the ends together afterwards.
As I spend a long time working on baskets with textile yarn and unfortunately this is not appreciated and I have to sell them at prices that are far below the minimum wage, I am now selling the textile yarn that I have here and will no longer make any unusual individual pieces with it as soon as it is sold out.
The finished products can be washed.
The pictures of the baskets are examples of what I make from the yarn. You can really let off steam in terms of patterns.
With our Zpagetti instructions and the giant crochet hooks, you can make a unique Zpagetti bag, a knitted pouf cushion or a Zpagetti rug in your own modern Hoooked style in no time at all. Casual, practical, colourful and right on trend, with our Zpagetti textile yarn you can make original creations in no time at all. We recommend working with needle size 12-15 mm.
The textile yarn is completely recycled from the remnants of the current collections of leading European fashion manufacturers. Hoooked yarns are produced in Portugal, where the fabrics are selected and processed. This means that there is complete control over production standards and working conditions.
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