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mit dem Rabattcode: HERBST
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*Kategorien: SALE, Garn & Gutscheine ausgeschlossen
The collar is soft and supple due to the manufacturing process.
The collar is not suitable for dogs over 32 kg, as the buckle has a breaking load of 160 kg. For safety reasons, I always calculate the weight of the dog x 5, which gives me 32 kg.
There are manufacturers who only take the weight x 3. If you have a dog that doesn't pull and lies down in the lead and collar and is totally compatible with any dog, you can do this, but you are always on the safe side if you take the weight x 5.
Macramé and braiding of the lead:
100% recycled cotton, 100% recycled colour and filled with polyester.
The yarn is sustainably and environmentally friendly produced in Europe and dyed according to Oeko-Tex Standard 100.
Webbing on the collar:
Biothane alternative made from PVC-coated fabric.
Buckle and D-ring:
Buckle: Zinc alloy
D-ring: Steel
Colours may be displayed differently on each screen and therefore colour deviations may occur.
Colour: Kiwi with light brown webbing and antique brass fittings.
In the mobile view you have to tap on the main picture first, then you can scroll through the pictures. There you will also find the colour chart
Collar dimensions: adjustable from 36 cm to 42 cm through 3 holes. The short lead is approx. 45 cm including carabiner.
Follow me on Instagram and Facebook: @petlovede
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