Handmade cat toy: rustling scented ball with organic catnip or organic valerian
Discover the perfect toy for your beloved velvet paws!
My handmade rustling scented ball is not only a real eye-catcher, but also a real treat for your velvet paw. Choose between two tempting fillings: Organic catnip or organic valerian.
Product features:
- Handmade: Each scented ball is handmade with love and care by me in Germany.
- Rustling sound: The special filling makes an exciting rustling sound that arouses your cat's curiosity and encourages them to play.
- Natural ingredients: The organic catnip and biobaldrian used are 100% naturally untreated and offer your cat a safe and healthy play experience.
- Ideal for all cats: Whether you have playful kitties or relaxed seniors, this scented ball provides fun playtime.
- The balls are approx. 5-6 cm in size
Why my cat toy?
Cats love to play and stimulate their senses. With my scented balls, you not only encourage your cat's physical activity, but also their well-being. The natural flavours of organic catnip or organic balsam will make your cat feel relaxed and happy.
Order now!
Give your cat the treat. Choose your favourite colour and scent and bring joy to your four-legged friend's everyday life.
As is usual with valerian and catnip cushions, the cats always play with it for 2-10 minutes. They roll around wildly on the floor with it until they leave it lying there. That's why I always recommend collecting the balls afterwards and storing them in an airtight tin so that they don't lose their enticing scent. You can give the balls to your sweetie every day or just every few days as a special reward.
Tip from me as a cat psychologist:
Please do not give valerian when reuniting cats where aggression is involved. Unlike in humans, valerian does not have a calming effect on cats, but a stimulating one. This can lead to arguments between the cats and inflame the already tense atmosphere.
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Karena Peter
Schillerstr. 10, 31618 Liebenau
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