For cats only!
Are you ready to snuggle up in a fluffy oasis made of certified organic cotton with a woollen look? Our cat cave is like cotton wool on steroids - perfect for you, the discerning house cat!
Immerse yourself in a world of pollutant-free cosiness thanks to our organically grown cotton. Finally, you can dive in and wrap yourself up in fluffy luxury without a care in the world.
And hey, forget boring colour options! Our duvet comes in a natural white colour, because true style knows no compromise. Oh, and don't worry about the colour choice - dyed cotton just isn't cool enough for our workmanship!
Sizes for cats:
XS: inner lying area approx. 20 cm - perfect for the little ones among us, up to 2 kg. Who says kittens don't deserve luxury?
S: Inner surface approx. 25 cm - Ideal for you up to approx. 3 kg. Because why should you miss out on comfort just because you're a little bigger?
M: Inner lying surface approx. 30 cm - Suitable for you up to approx. 5 kg, provided you are the slim type. Chunky BKHs over 5 kg? >> Here comes your VIP lounge in the next size L!
L: Inner lying surface approx. 35 cm - For the big ones among us, suitable for up to 7 kg if you are slim or up to 6 kg if you are rather stocky. Because size matters, right?
XL: Inner lying surface approx. 40 cm - Perfect for you up to approx. 8 kg or stockier ones up to 7 kg. Yes, we big ones need our own space too!
Attention: This cave is not suitable for dogs since they would destroy it by digging.
The dimensions are approximate - just like coffee, not perfect, but close. So don't be surprised if your cave looks a little different than expected. That makes it even more unique, doesn't it?
Care instructions:
Our cave is washable, but hey, treat it like a princess! Use a protective laundry net or pillowcase and give it a spin on the wool or hand wash cycle at 30 degrees. And a tumble dryer? No, no, that's not your style. Just let them air dry and revel in their freshness.
Oh, and one last tip: if your cave looks a bit saggy after washing, don't panic! Just do a little stretching - just like yoga for cat caves. Just put your hands in and stretch outwards. Voilà, like new!
And hey, don't forget: this cotton may be soft, but it's delicate. So hold back on the claws, tiger! Because our cave is made for cosy nights, not for a claw manicure.
And always remember: uniqueness is our middle name! Each cave is made especially for you, so enjoy the luxury experience of a truly unique item.
Key data:
The dimensions are approximate, as each cave is only made for you after I have received your order. There may be deviations of +/- 3 cm.
The outer dimensions are approx. 10-12 cm more.
Karena Peter
Schillerstr. 10, 31618 Liebenau
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